So its almost summer which means...dant dant daaaaa...bikini season!!! So who wouldn't want to try and get their stomach looking fabulous?? A flat muscular stomach and/or 6-pack is desired by all but only achieved by few and the majority of the population has a huge misconception on how to get the stomach of their 'dreams'. So when you are doing crunches and you feel the tightening of your feel like you are working towards a 6-pack, right??? Well the truth is...that doing sit-ups or working a specific muscle actually does not burn fat around that muscle. We are sorry to burst your bubble but the good news is...what does burn fat is a full body workout. A full body workout targets your large muscle groups which in turn burns more fat and works your core muscles at the same time!! Here are some exercises that will help you achieve a fabulously flat stomach!
Squat with a cable chop (use a ball or cable resistance)
Burpee with a push-up
Windmill exercise with a weight
Turkish get up
Lunge with rotation
Squat with a cable chop (use a ball or cable resistance)
Burpee with a push-up
Windmill exercise with a weight
Turkish get up
Lunge with rotation
The ultimate total body workout
Sometimes its hard to think of what to do at the gym...especially if you aren't really in the mood to workout (and don't worry the anti-gym plague has hit us all at one time or another). We have come up with 3 of the best total body workouts that are beneficial and yes...they can be fun! Add these to your normal workout routine or do them all together along with some cardio and you're set.
We know you have all heard of push-ups, which are known to work your arms and chest BUT...if you do them correctly they will also work your core and if done correctly are sometimes more beneficial than sit-ups!! To make sure you are firing up your core, be sure to keep your back straight and squeeze your glutes throughout the whole exercise.
We know you have all heard of push-ups, which are known to work your arms and chest BUT...if you do them correctly they will also work your core and if done correctly are sometimes more beneficial than sit-ups!! To make sure you are firing up your core, be sure to keep your back straight and squeeze your glutes throughout the whole exercise.
For beginners start with upper body on an elevated surface like a wall or bench. As you get stronger work your way down to the floor. Start with low reps (10-15) and perfect form to get the full benefit of the exercise
Dumbbell front squat:
Squatting is one of the most beneficial exercises to include in your workout if you are aiming to burn bodyfat or gain strength. Since it works the largest muscle groups in your body and forces you to engage your core throughout the exercise it is known to have many positive benefits. It is crucial to do the proper form when squatting to avoid injury and reep the awesome benefits. When adding dumbbells in this position, it not only works your shoulders but adds more resistance for your core and assists you in getting into a lower squat.
Dumbbell Single Leg deadlift:
When done correctly this is one of the most BEST full body/core exercises possible. The key is to keep your back and shoulders engaged by keeping a straight back and squeeze your opposite glute. Keep weights as close to shins as possible and let weights go half way down your shin before coming up. This challenges your balance so make sure to start with weights that you can control and a slower speed. We recommend starting at 5-8lb. dumbbells and then working up in weight once that becomes easy
So its almost summer which means...dant dant daaaaa...bikini season!!! So who wouldn't want to try and get their stomach looking fabulous?? A flat muscular stomach and/or 6-pack is desired by all but only achieved by few and the majority of the population has a huge misconception on how to get the stomach of their 'dreams'. So when you are doing crunches and you feel the tightening of your feel like you are working towards a 6-pack, right??? Well the truth is...that doing sit-ups or working a specific muscle actually does not burn fat around that muscle. We are sorry to burst your bubble but the good news is...what does burn fat is a full body workout. A full body workout targets your large muscle groups which in turn burns more fat and works your core muscles at the same time!! Here are some exercises that will help you achieve a fabulously flat stomach!
Squat with a cable chop (use a ball or cable resistance)
Burpee with a push-up
Windmill exercise with a weight
Turkish get up
Lunge with rotation
Sometimes, working out with a friend is much more fun and appealing than thinking about working out alone. Being active with a buddy is proven to make us more motivated and accountable to not back on a workout. We have come up with a fitness challenge, that is more than just your average walk or trip to the gym. Try this circuit of heart pumping activities and you will find out why working out with a friend can be way more fun than going at it solo.
**Do this circuit 3 times (or more if you really want to work up a sweat!)
1. Jump squats
2. 10 push-ups
3. Medicine ball sit-ups
(have one person get into the sit-up position while the other stands at their feet. The person doing the sit-up needs to take a light medicine ball or heavy pillow and throw it to the person standing while in the process of sitting up. The standing person then throws it back to their friend when on their way back down to the laying position)
4. Sprint to a landmark and back
5. 10 Burpees
6. 60 second plank

**If you want to add a little excitement to this routine; you can make this circuit into a friendly competition. Set the timer on your phone to see who can complete the circuit the fastest....but be careful not to go too fast, to prevent injury. Good luck!!!
When you think about doing cardio you usually think of...running, walking, hiking, etc. BUT...what you didn't know is there are so many other fun ways to be active and get your heart rate up. Here are some ideas to do something other than going for a run; so grab a friend or 5 and get the cardio party started!!!
1. Ride your bikes up to get a cute new outfit for the weekend or to get some frozen yogurt
2. Grab a few friends and head to the beach for a fun 'beach volleyball' game. Or if you are just able to gather one or two friends and just want to hang around your house...hit the ball around to each other and try not to let it hit the ground.
3. Dance party 2013!! Make up a dance with some friends and if you think its really good, film it!!
4. Instead of taking the bus home or asking for a ride...enjoy the beautiful weather and WALK home(but make sure its ok with your parents first)
These are just a few new ways to get your heart rate up, just remember doing anything besides just sitting on the couch is beneficial. If you have any suggestions on how you and your friends stay active please let us know!
SO, if you haven't noticed...having No butt is out & having a Big booty is in. Just look at Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce...they receive great recognition for having a toned body and of course a nice butt! There is nothing better than having a little 'junk in the trunk' to fill out your favorite jeans or just looking plain FABULOUS in your swimming suit. So here are a few exercises to do in order to get a nice toned backside! Do these exercises, 3 times a week along with your normal workout routine and a healthy diet and you should have a bootylicious behind...just in time for summer!!
1. Single leg glute bridges off of a bench
2. Split squat (one leg off bench)
3. Side lunges
4. Single leg deadlift
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