Friday, May 3, 2013

The Hottest Hair Accessories

Whether you are headed to a dance class, sports practice or to a Girlfit workout...its always nice to have something to put your hair up with, that isn't the drab old headband you've had since second grade. I mean lets face really stinks to be in your workout groove and have your hair falling in your face or simply just sticking to your sweaty neck! To be honest; it really doesn't matter what your hair looks like when you are being active. But, what if...on your way home you run into that super cute boy down the street?? You may wish you have grabbed that cute headband or hair tie you saw at the store the other day, RIGHT?? We have a few hot suggestions on how a hair accessory can make your sweaty post workout hair into well, a post workout hairdo that isn't bad.

The double headband: you may like this a little better than the single skinny headband because it is a little thicker and has more band to keep your hair out of your face 

The no slip headband: This is nice because the material makes it so that the headband doesn't slip back on your head during your workout

Workout hat: the material is lighter so that it doesn't trap all the heat in while you're working up a sweat 

Elastic knotted hair tie: This is the newest trend in hair accessories! It is your standard elastic band but instead of having to wrap it around your hair numerous times for it to be can just tie a knot where is feels comfortable! 

Super thick 'on the go' headband: This will really keep your hair out of your face and they come in all sorts of colors and patterns you are bound to look awesome! 

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