Stretching...everyone knows what it is (to an extent) BUT do you really know how beneficial it is for you??? Stretching not only helps prevent injury but also aids in your workout performance, relieves stress, increases flexibility and coordination & is beneficial for your overall health. There are two types of beneficial stretching techniques; Dynamic stretching & Static stretching. Dynamic is done pre-workout while Static is done post-workout or as a relaxation technique. Here is the low down of these stretching techniques and why we believe you should add them to your workout routine.
Dynamic stretching (pre-workout):
Dynamic stretching is a type of stretching you do while moving, which is why it is beneficial to do before your workouts; it is 'waking up' your muscles for your workout. Moving while stretching increases your range of movement and the blood flow and oxygen to your muscles, helping them perform better during your workout. Some eamples are:
Arm Circles
Jogging in place with high knees
Post-workout Static Stretching
Static stretching is to be done when your body is at rest or once you have completed your workout. Static stretching is composed of various techniques that actually lengthen your muscles to an elongated position for a period of 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Stretching helps keep you flexible and counteracts the repetitive movements of exercise. When performed correctly and at the right time, static stretches help you lengthen tight muscles and improve your balance and overall fitness. A good stretch session also helps relieve stress and tension.To perform a static stretch properly, you should get far enough into the stretch that you feel a slight pull but no pain. It helps to exhale as you get into a stretch. When you're holding a stretch, breathe normally and avoid the tendency to hold your breath. Repeat each static stretch two to four times.
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