If you haven't already heard, yes its true, drinking green tea is very beneficial to your overall health. Besides being tasty, calorie free and inexpensive; Green tea has various benefits such as having antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticavity properties. Whether you drink this beverage warm or cold, with caffeine or caffeine-free, mixed into a smoothie or plain...by drinking at least an 8oz glass a day you are contributing to an overall healthy YOU!!! Here are some reasons why we recommend drinking green tea:
1. Helps Stimulate your Metabolism
Green tea has one particular antioxidant EGCG, which has the ability to speed up your metabolism and in turn lead to weight loss. When EGCG is combined with caffeine (naturally found in green tea), it stimulates the central nervous system and releases fat into the blood stream, so that our body can use the fat as fuel. Using fat as fuel, involves the production of extra energy, gets rid of excess water and burns body fat.
2. Improves Exercise Endurance
The catechin polyphenols found in green tea will stimulate your muscle cells and liver to use more fatty acids. Which results to your body using carbohydrates at a much slower rate. When we have more carbs in our body, we can exercise for a longer period of time without getting tired and burn more calories.
3. Benefits Oral Health
Tea has natural fluoride which is great for your teeth but green tea also has polyphenols and catechins which are associated with killing bacteria. By doing this, the tea is said to reduce tooth-decay, bad breath and gum disease.
4. Bone Health
Routine tea drinking is said to help reduce the risk of bone fractures. The thought is that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components help reduce the risk of fractures and increase the activity of bone building cells
5. Helps Prevent Certain Cancers
The catechins found in tea are thought to prevent cell mutation, deactivate certain carcinogens and reduce the formation and growth of tumors. Which in turn is said to be beneficial in preventing breast, pancreatic, prostate, stomach, bladder, lung, esophageal, colorectal cancers.
6. Heart Health & Cholesterol Reducer
Drinking green tea is thought to reduce your risk of heart attack, strokes and reduce your cholesterol level. It can protect the heart arteries by keeping them flexible and relaxed and better able to withstand the changes in our blood pressure.
What we recommend:
*Buy Green Tea, tea bags. Follow the instruction on the box but basically you will boil water and set the tea bags in the boiling water for a minimum of 5 minutes.
*You can drink the tea warm or once it has cooled add ice and make 'iced green tea'
*If you aren't a fan of plain green tea try one of the many different flavors

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