We have all heard how beneficial it is to drink water, right?! Of course its not the magic solution to loose weight overnight or instantly cure a muscle ache, but it is super beneficial in more ways than one. Water is a great element in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, AND we have 6 reasons to prove it! With the temperatures rising outside it is now more important than ever to stay hydrated! Take a look at these 6 reasons AND whether you are thirsty or not, grab a glass or bottle of water and DRINK UP!
1. Water Helps Maintain a Balance of Body Fluids
Our body is composed of about 60% of water, which helps all of our organs and everything to function. Water is what helps us maintain the right body temperature, digest food, circulation, produce saliva, absorb & transport nutrients. When we feel thirsty that is our body's way of telling us that it needs more fluids ie: WATER.
2. Water Helps Control Calories
No we aren't saying if you are hungry for lunch to drink water instead of eat...But substituting water over higher calorie drinks such as, soda will help you cut back your calorie intake. When you eat a healthy, balanced diet, that consists of lean protein, veggies, fruits, dairy and good fats and of course water, you are better able to loose weight (if that's your goal) or just maintain a healthy lifestyle.
3. Water Helps Energize Muscles
When you don't have enough fluids in your body, your muscles become fatigued, meaning your athletic performance can suffer and sometimes fatigued muscles can result in injury. Drinking enough fluids is so important when exercising because you are loosing fluid from sweat and body exertion, so in order to achieve optimal performance...drink lots of water!
4. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good
No drinking water won't erase bags or wrinkles, but our skin acts a protective barrier so that we don't loose too many fluids. When we are dehydrated that causes our skin to look rough and wrinkled, so if that is the case, drinking water will replenish the skin an make us look fabulous!!
5. Water Helps Our Kidneys
As long as we have enough water/fluids in our body, our kidneys are what cleanse and rid our body of toxins. So basically, the kidneys take the fluid they need and excrete all the other toxins which we then urinate out. If we have enough fluids in our body, urine flows freely and is light in color & odorless...Yay!! If we don't have enough fluids our urine will be darker in color and have an odor...because the kidneys trap the extra fluid to function. Drink up because if you live in a warmer climate and constantly drink too little, you are at risk for kidney stones :(
6. Water Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function
When our body is hydrated, it keeps things moving! The fluids help things flow through the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. If we don't have enough fluids our body will pull the fluids from our stool to use and in turn...constipation.
Hopefully these 6 reasons are enough to help you realize how beneficial it is to stay hydrated! If you aren't a fan of plain water, you can always add a slice of lemon or cucumber for a refreshing twist. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as well, because they have a high water content and will help you stay hydrated.
*We got these 6 great tips and information from WebMD
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