Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The low down on SUGAR and ways to fight cravings

When trying to lose weight and maintain an overall healthy diet, many of us think counting calories and eating low fat foods is what will make us achieve the weight loss we are shooting for. While it is important to watch your calorie intake, many of us are unaware of the role sugar plays in our weight loss and healthy eating plan. Sugar is what makes us GAIN weight! Sugar is what has increased the obesity and diabetes rates and is associated with cancer, asthma, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, fatigue, headaches and many other issues.When you eat sugar you crave sugar....So by reducing or cutting sugar out of our diet we will feel and look fabulous! Here are 9 ways to reduce your sugar intake & cravings:

1. Have a savory breakfast
When you start your day off with a breakfast full of pancakes & syrup, pastries and waffles...chances are you are going to be hungry a few hours later and crave something sweet later. By starting off with a breakfast that has a mix of lean protein, good fats and good carbs you will be left without a blood sugar plunge and will be less likely to want something sweet later.

2. Eat more protein
When eating lean protein such as seafood, beef, veal, lamb, poultry and eggs you are satisfying your hunger and more effectively balancing your sugar cravings.

3. Cut back on salads and fruit
If you are constantly eating raw salads with fresh carrots, beets, cucumbers, etc. you are still eating a healthy, vitamin-rich meal but you will often crave sugar later.  The reason is...according to Chinese Medicine, raw veggies and fruits are cooling and damp (yin) while sugar is heating (yang). When you overdo the cooling nature by eating cold fruits and veggies, your body craves the heating nature of sugar. All in all, your body craves a yin-yang balance. So by eating a salad along with a lean protein you are eating a balanced meal and will be less likely to crave a cookie alongside your salad.

4.  Eat Fat
The right fats are so important for our health but, they are also a key role in stabilizing hunger and cravings.  Fats help control blood sugar levels and insulin, which result in preventing hunger and sugar cravings due to low blood sugar levels.  Good fats are what help us feel full longer. Examples of good fats are olive oil, butter, avocado, cheese and nuts (make sure you use the recommended portion size or less).

5. Cut down on Sugar
I know...duh!!! But really, the less sugar you eat the less you will crave.

6. Eat your greens...Cooked
Cooked leafy greens actually boost energy levels, which reduces the desire for sugar. Greens provide minerals that control blood sugar and are a great source of Magnesium, a mineral that helps reduce chocolate cravings...yes please!! When you eat the somewhat bitter leafy greens you often don't have the craving for something sweet afterwards.

7. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Studies show that artificial sweeteners such as: Equal, NurtraSweet, Splenda & Sweet'n Low; actually stimulate appetite, sugar cravings and contribute to weight gain! Instead of these sweeteners try stevia which is a natural sweetener and its carb-free!

8. Get Sun
Sunlight exposure boosts energy and our overall mood. Sunlight promotes the serotonin production which helps us feel satisfied and reduces depression (which can often lead to eating ice cream). Sunlight exposure also reduces cortisol (the anxiety hormone) which can often lead to sugar and fat cravings as well as weight gain in the stomach area.

9.  Supplement with the right minerals
Sugar cravings can often be a result of the dip in your blood sugar levels, so by taking a supplement of magnesium and chromium you can reduce your desire for something sweet. **Make sure to talk to a doctor or other health care professional if you are going to take supplements.

*All of these wonderful and helpful tips came from Linda Prout's article "Sugar: More Dangerous than You Think: 10 Tips to Control Cravings"

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